Michael J. Nemet

A science-fiction writer from rural Ohio, Michael James Nemet is the creator of the Korszak series of novels and its shared universe. A lifelong sci-fi fan himself, and an experienced tech expert & enthusiast, Michael creates vast, intricate worlds for his character-driven stories. When he’s not busy writing, he’ll often indulge in building custom computers, tinkering around with Linux, min/maxing his favorite games, or deep-diving whatever random topic piqued his interest this week. It’s also not uncommon for many of these little “side quests” to further fuel Michael’s creativity, often helping to flesh out the minute details of his worlds as he has a bit of a habit of pontificating as to where technology will eventually lead. As someone who greatly benefits from many open-source technologies, and a massive fan of playing with the worlds he loves, Michael pays particular attention to making sure his worlds are similarly open for anyone to enjoy however they wish.


Imagine you lived in a world where humanity had already spread across the galaxy. What would be considered science-fiction then? The universe of the Korszak series of novels attempts to answer that question. Set in an alternate reality to our own where Earth suffers through two additional world wars before being uplifted by a galaxy-spanning civilization, we meet Lt. Jenna Carter, a clandestine operative of the SIF who ends up coming face to face with a time traveling Guardian of Reality named Marton Korszak. Jenna’s existence is turned upside down as she finds the rules that previous kept her alive no longer apply as she finds herself in a world of time travel and reality bending but with much of the same power plays she’s all to familiar with still happening around her.

Book Versions

All my work is released under two separate versions: a paid Retail Version, which helps support the ongoing development of the series, and a free Creator Version under a permissive license (the CC BY-SA 4.0). This dual-approach to publishing allows for both the sustainable growth of my universe while allowing it to be accessible to anyone for free, further allowing use to create stories of your own. Heavily inspired by the world of FOSS (Free and Open-Source Software), this approach lets me have an open world you can freely enjoy while ensuring it can continue to exist within the realities of the publishing industry.

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