Coming Soon

This section will be updated as items are released. Right now there is nothing to download but this will change when Guardian of the Epoch is released. Please check back later.


This page contains an archive of all available content for download in a convenient package for archival purposes. This includes the Creator Editions of all published books, media kits, full resolution assets, and anything else I have the rights to release. The primary purpose of this is for archival use and media preservation, but you may wish to save it for personal use as well.

IMPORTANT: Please pay attention to the appropriate licenses for each item, as while the Creator Edition books are under Creative Commons licensing not everything in the archive is (such as some image files and other assets) due to licensing rules. You may distribute this package free of charge and use where free use law is applicable, but otherwise everything is subject to standard copyright and trademark law where not otherwise stated.


Here are the archival packages available for download.


All the other archives in one large package.

Last Updated: Coming Soon…

Books & Assets

The Creator Editions of all published books in all released formats plus full resolution covers and other related assets which I’ve commissioned and own the rights to. Everything in this package is under CC licensing and a license is included.

Last Updated: Coming Soon…

Media Kits

A collection of the media kits for each book. This will include synopses, full resolution covers, banners, and other image assets; book information (ISBN, format info, publisher info, etc), marketing material, and additional background info related to the book’s creation and release.

Last Updated: Coming Soon…


Markdown copies of the site, blog posts, and assets that I own. This won’t include stock assets which I license, most are from Pixabay and have their own terms. Placeholder covers made with these assets are included but should not be used.

Last Updated: Coming Soon…

Thank you for helping preserve media!

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