About Michael

Creative Writer, Linux Gamer, and Tech Enthusiast

My Story

I’m a science-fiction writer from rural Ohio and the creator of the Korszak series of novels and it’s associated universe. Having basically grown up on some of the best sci-if out there, it was only a matter of time until I went and made my own. By day, I work as a sysadmin for a local MSP, and by night I create entire worlds and fill them with complex characters. Of course, what was originally meant to be a short book quickly spiraled into a growing series of connected books all built around a huge universe. And since I know just how fun it is to play around in my favorite universes, I decided to open it up to readers to enjoy and tell their own stories with. Eventually, I hope to compile a similarly open compendium of world-building and character notes so everyone can have the same “source code” to work off of that I do.

Personal Life

Outside of writing, I’m a tech enthusiast and gamer. I love tinkering around with Linux and FOSS software, with my entire home infrastructure running on it. My home server, mostly built out of spare parts I’ve acquired over time, runs pretty much everything for me as I take the view of “the cloud is just someone else’s computer” so I might as well supply the computer myself. I’m also a bit of an RPG addict who likes to min/max or just generally cheese systems in ludicrous ways to win (sorry, I’m that guy in PVP). Of course, I love a good story game too, and that’s not just because I can’t beat my bro at car soccar (in my defense, he’s grand champ, I’ve got no chance). Beyond that, I’m almost always learning a new skill or deep-diving on some topic that piqued my interest that week as I’ve got a bit of a tendency to study for fun.


Best Author Award 2016

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas aspernatur aut odit aut fugit

World's #1 Best-selling Book 2014

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas aspernatur aut odit aut fugit

NYT Best-selling Author 2013

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas aspernatur aut odit aut fugit

"Imagine you lived in a world where humanity had already spread across the galaxy. What would be considered science-fiction then?"

Michael J. Nemet

Follow @michaeljnemet

Updates on the series, tangents about Linux, and what I'm generally up to. Let's just pretend it's my blog.

Hello World

The first thing I remember was a bright flash of light, and before I know it, I’m stuck right before Earth’s third world war. I soon came to an important realization: if I were to survive, I had to change history. But how? Nobody would ever believe me, so I’d tell a tale that would change the future. I couldn’t tell them the truth, but I could tell them a story.

Fine, fine, alright, you win… the real story this time…

Yeah, that time-travel bit was obviously not true. But if it’s not *painfully* apparent, I live and breathe science-fiction. My real earliest memories are that of watching Star Trek Voyager in its original television run. I was soon following the adventures of a certain lord of time, the last human stuck three million years in the future, an ancient far-off galaxy, a Scottish prince, and countless others. It didn’t take long before I developed a reading addiction to match.

Eventually, I decided that I just had to make my world one day, but I was overwhelmed by the task. Nevertheless, a story started to form in my head, and I began to build a world to go with it. I started writing it down around the time when, well let’s just say a time where things started to get “complicated” for me. I found that my new hobby of writing was helping me deal with the more challenging aspects of my life, so I kept at it. Eventually, I realized that I was uniquely suited to tell a story that wasn’t just sci-fi but had a deeper meaning.

I started taking my writing seriously and decided I’d finally flesh out that world I’ve been slowly building. I went and studied everything I could get my hands on and built out a vast universe filled with deep and complicated characters. This may have got just a *tiny* bit out of hand when what I intended to be a single short novella turned into a multi-part series with a prequel and spin-offs planned out (watch this number double, I can feel it coming already).

And that brings us to today and my upcoming series. When I write this, Guardian of the Epoch isn’t out yet, and I’m sitting on drafts for the rest of the series in what I’m sure will give my poor, poor editor endless nightmares. Once this is all said and published, I can only hope that at least someone finds as much meaning in my stories as I do writing them. But if I can’t have that, I hope you at least enjoy the adventure along the way; I know I certainly had fun making it for you.

Peace and long life,

Michael Nemet

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