Korszak Universe

Imagine you lived in a world where humanity had already spread across the galaxy. What would be considered science-fiction then? The universe of the Korszak series of novels attempts to answer that question. Set in an alternate reality to our own where Earth suffers through two additional world wars before being uplifted by a galaxy-spanning civilization, we meet Lt. Jenna Carter, a clandestine operative of the SIF who ends up coming face to face with a time traveling Guardian of Reality named Marton Korszak. Jenna’s existence is turned upside down as she finds the rules that previous kept her alive no longer apply as she finds herself in a world of time travel and reality bending but with much of the same power plays she’s all to familiar with still happening around her.

Factions - 2390s

It is a time of civil war for the galaxy. Entire worlds change hands every day as the battle lines are continuously redrawn as the Galactic Commonwealth and the Centaurus Pact fight for survival. At one time, the Commonwealth had brought peace and justice to a divided galaxy, but now its future has become uncertain as it struggles to hold itself together.

Galactic Commonwealth

Initially formed to maintain galactic peace between the various galactic powers, the Commonwealth has become the single unifying government for the galaxy. While allowing its member states to mostly govern themselves, the Commonwealth ensures common good for all sentient life in the galaxy. The Commonwealth sets the standards of sentient rights, trade relations, economic structure, and defense for its member worlds, while maintaining an outreach program to provide assistance to developing species.

Special Information Forces (SIF)

A black ops division of Commonwealth Naval Intelligence that doesn’t officially exist, the SIF is charged with ensuring the protection of the Commonwealth by any means necessary. The idealistic rules set forward by the Commonwealth, while good in theory, often struggle with the realities of a galactic conflict. When there’s no other way, the SIF “solves the problem” for the Commonwealth so that it may go on unburdened by the knowledge of how they were saved.

Centaurus Pact

After years of neglect and exploitation, a number of outer worlds in the Scutum-Centaurus region of the galaxy banded together to seceded from the Commonwealth. Labeled a terrorist organization, the Commonwealth has been in a state of war against the Pact for the last sixty years trying to liberate Pact-held worlds. However, the Pact maintains that they’re exercising their rights under the Commonwealth charter to leave the alliance due to their grievances. Regardless of the circumstances of the war’s start, however, it has devolved into a fight for survival for both sides.

Guardians of Reality

The myths and legends of most space faring races speak of powerful beings who arrive at key moments to decide how history will unfold. Little is known about the mysterious Guardians, or if they even exist in the first place, but they’re believed to have the unique ability to alter time itself and bend the universe to their will through use of something called the “void”. However, almost every instance of their supposed appearances throughout history has been discredited and is often attributed to the musings of distraught individuals who lived through the events or primitive worlds who didn’t know how to explain encounters with advanced technology.


End of the Rhusen-Mutuv War

December 1st, 1907

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Unified Sentient War Ethics (USWE) Convention Established

June 15th, 1911

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Galactic Commonwealth Founded

March 23rd, 1918

After centuries of seemingly endless war between the various powers in the galaxy, the five largest powers – the Bagaek, IO, Rhusens, Mutuv, and Domul – and their allied worlds came together in a fragile peace to form the first galaxy-spanning alliance. The alliance became the Commonwealth, a unifying power dedicated to intergalactic peace and ensuring all species were treated equally. It was decided that the member worlds of the Commonwealth would help prevent the territorial bloodshed of the past few hundred years by helping to uplift lesser developed species to spare them the pains their own founders went through.

Fukushima Near Miss

March 11th, 2011
Japan, Earth

A magnitude 9.0 earthquake off the coast of Japan triggered a powerful tsunami, resulting in massive damage to the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Disaster was narrowly avoided, however, when quick thinking engineers preemptively flooded the reactors and prevented a meltdown. The near miss led to improvements in nuclear safety and increased public trust in the technology. Unfortunately, severe flooding damage resulted in the destruction of much of the surrounding area rendering it uninhabitable.

US-China Trade War

2015 – 2020

Tensions between the United States and China have escalated trade disputes. Nations start to choose sides as tensions rise. China, Russia, & North Korea form a unified military alliance in response to US aggression. The NATO member states respond in-kind, increasing their military spending and naval patrols around Asia. Global supply chains start to break down as almost every county is pulled into trading exclusively with one side or the other.

The Fitzgerald Incident

October 12th, 2020
International Waters, Earth

The USS Fitzgerald, a US destroyer, and its small action group are carrying out a naval exercise just outside of Chinese coastal waters. The Fitzgerald inadvertently crosses paths with a Chinese corvette and nearly collides with the ship. In the chaos, the corvette fires several warning shots across the bow of the Fitzgerald. The destroyer responds with flares and jams the corvette’s communications. With tensions high, the corvette accidentally discharges a missile resulting in the Fitzgerald firing its CIWS as a defensive measure. The missile crashes into the water, having overshot the destroyer. Both captains stand down, realizing the escalation, neither wanting to start a war. The political fallout is a disaster as China accuses the US of recklessly violating its sovereignty while the US asserts its rights under FONOP to operate in international waters.

The Second Cold War

2021 – 2023

Frequent cyberattacks occur between the coalitions trying to take out critical infrastructure to gain any advantage. War seems likely after another minor naval incident that nearly resulted in open fighting. Meanwhile, tech billionaire Alexander “Lex” Carrington is using his political influence to further stir up tensions for his own profit as he sells increasingly advanced technology to the US military. Carrington’s followers come to see him as a visionary who’s not afraid to face down “global bullies” in the East. Both sides of the potential conflict begin rapidly arming themselves and building out their offensive capabilities. Nothing is off the table and nuclear weapon production reaches an all-time historical peak.

World War III Begins

February 24th, 2024
Taiwan, Earth

Control over the processor supply chain has become a hot button issue, with all eyes on Taiwan’s chip manufacturing plants. Using falsified intelligence data that suggested Taiwan was about to be invaded by China’s alliance, the US moved to annex Taiwan to take control of the factories, wasting no time setting up a blockade around the small island nation. Global war immediately breaks out in response to US’s aggression as the two coalitions face off. Major cities deploy the “Iron Dome” system to prepare for the inevitable nuclear apocalypse.

The Six Years Hell Begins

June 11th, 2024

Every global nuclear power empties their stockpiles in a matter of hours as a mutually assured destruction scenario plays outs. To this day, nobody is sure who fired the first shot, but at 11:47 EST, the bombs first impact the US. The Iron Dome defense system saves several fortunate cities, including the technology hub of Boise, ID where Lex Carrington’s headquarters are located. However, the WMD onslaught obliterates most population centers across NATO and the Chinese-Russian alliance. Both sides devastated, the US in particular suffers near total collapse of the government as Washington, DC is turned into a glass crater. While some leaders survive, the fragmented US begins a disorganized campaign against their attackers who are in similar disarray.

The United Imperium of America Vows Vengeance

June 11th, 2025
Detroit, MI, Earth

Without a clear leader, Lex Carrington moves into the United States’ last major stronghold of Detroit and he declares himself Emperor Magnus I. He proclaims that the United States is dead, killed one year ago that same day when the bombs dropped, promising that in its place his United Imperium of America (UIA) would return their country to a position of strength. Carrington vows that he will turn the UIA into a technocratic paradise, the true successor to the Roman Empire to never be challenged by anyone again as they will become the last great superpower of the Earth. With nowhere else to turn, the battered country follows him and one of history’s darkest chapters begins.

The Reign of Magnus I

2025 – 2030
United Imperium of America, Earth

Emperor Magnus I wasted no time in construction of further nuclear weapons, firing them the moment they became available to him in his war of conquest. Any power that didn’t bend the knee to the UIA became a valid target, even former NATO allies. Magnus I implemented vast, sweeping collection of data, utilizing analytics collection previously used for marketing purposes before the war as a makeshift “loyalty meter” which he used to control his subjects. Anyone believed disloyal was publicly vivisected and their immediate connections forced into slavery to keep his war machine going. Citizenship became dependent on military service and refugees displaced by the bombs were assigned to labor camps.

Global Depopulation

2028 – 2030

As the war continued and bombs were exchanged, people stopped congregating in cities and instead spread out into the countryside to avoid the ever-present threat of annihilation. With significant targets on all sides dwindling, and many military assets having been destroyed, much of the fighting devolved into World War Two style mechanized warfare. It wasn’t uncommon for civilian drones to be repurposed as tiny bombers as any technology could be repurposed for combat when the soldiers were desperate enough. Insurrections and rebellions become common as soldiers and civilians turn against their leaders who keep pushing for the war to continue.

Assassination of Magnus I

May 9th, 2031
Detroit, MI, UIA, Earth

Having had enough, the military “mysteriously” leaves Magnus I unguarded as a civilian uprising invades his palace. Magnus I is torn apart and his capitol is burnt to the ground as many of the rioters pillage anything of value from his belongings. His advisors are hunted down and killed, along with any military leaders still supporting Magnus’ reign of terror. With the Emperor dead, the UIA military calls for a global retreat and cease fire. While much of the world believes it to be a trick, the following weeks would prove its genuineness.

End of World War III

June 13th, 2031
Detroit, MI, UIA, Earth

With the war having become unsustainable for everyone, the surviving world leaders meet in Detroit for the signing of an uneasy treaty officially ending the war. The UIA fortifies itself within its own borders to try to rebuild with the intent of returning when it’s advantageous, starting another cold-war-like state as attention turns to research and development as everyone wanted to gain an edge in the event of an inevitable new war.

The Epoch

23:47 EST, April 7th, 2047
Sol System

The anomaly destroyed the Sol System, with no known survivors. Class V navigational hazard warning remains in effect; the sector must remain under permanent quarantine. (citation needed)

World War IV

March 1st, 2056 – December 28th, 2073

The inevitable happens as humanity fights over whatever scraps remain in Earth’s final planetary war. Einstein’s words about the war being “fought with sticks and stones” prove prophetic as much of the fighting devolves into pre-WW1 style combat only interrupted by occasional bombardments from early attempts at stellar warships created by the United Imperium Space Force (UISF) between the wars. Biplanes wielding laser weaponry became common as modern advancements were paired with anything that could be put together on a moment’s notice, with only a few advanced war machines remaining to carry out the conflict. The war comes to an inconclusive end as no side is able to make significant advancements on the others, any hyper-advanced technologies that were developed before the war lacking any means of deployment due to weakened infrastructure.

Human Entente World Government Founded

April 2nd, 2074
Wellington, New Zealand, Earth

The survivors of the conflict try to form a single world government in the aftermath of the war, setting up a temporary global capitol in New Zealand. With very little left intact in the world, the Entente tries to rebuild and clean up the ruins of civilization, but ultimately prove to be ineffective as any means of coordination breaks down and basic survival needs remain unmet for much of the population. Countless millions starve to death without food. The attempts at rapid re-industrialization lead to a clashing of nuclear winter against a global warming causing countless climate disasters in the years to follow.

Rise of the Global South

2074 – 2109

The Human Entente struggles to hold anything together as crisis after crisis results in disparate reactions from its members. Climate disasters result in rising sea levels and many coastal cities end up underwater. Africa and South America, however, fair much better as countries on both continents manage to become the new breadbaskets of the world and the southern hemisphere begins to become the new center of power. The Human Entente transitions their capitol over to Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo to better align with the shift in global dynamics. Over time, the northern UIA is absorbed into Canada and the southern into Mexico while most of Europe flees to Antarctica, the frozen continent having become new land for many of the displaced refugees to flee to and begin again. Much of Russia moves into Siberia while China’s population moves to fill its formerly less populated areas. India, however, ends up having to evacuate many of their citizens to Australia after much of the country had become an uninhabitable nuclear wasteland.

First Contact by the Rhusens

July 16th, 2109
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo

A single, golden, crescent-shaped vessel appears in the skies above Earth, landing in the global capitol of Kinshasa. The birdlike Rhusens introduce themselves to humanity on behalf of the Galactic Commonwealth, bring with them a message of peace as they offer assistance to the troubled world. While humanity is skeptical, they accept the help the Rhusens offer.

Earth's Recovery

2109 – 2126

Technology and resources are freely shared with Humanity and the Rhusens provide guidance to help rebuild the global infrastructure. Close diplomatic relations begin to form as humanity greatly benefits from the Commonwealth’s aid and embassies are established in every country. The world becomes able to produce enough food again as soil reclamation technology progresses a thousand years practically overnight and even the devastated climates of Earth become able to provide again. The DOC becomes particularly prosperous in this time, both as the central hub for the world government and as fertile land to cultivate. Antarctica becomes a global mining hum, the continent not suited for much else, allowing the relatively poor country of refugees to maintain their basic needs through trade. The global north begins to rebuild, mostly along the polar coastlines as what previously was useless wilderness had become temperate zones.

Starship Production Begins


Antarctica, Canada, and Siberia all start production of interplanetary vessels with the assistance of the Rhusens. Plans are laid for a small fleet of asteroid mining vessels, several colony vessels intended for Luna, Mars, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Titan, Enceladus, & Rhea respectively; and construction of a solar Dyson swarm of refactor satellites for the sake of power production that can be directed to Earth and its colonies. The Rhusens also provide a single singularity core that will allow for both artificial gravity and warp travel so that humanity to build a single exploration ship so they can start to interact with the wider Commonwealth.

Earth Joins the Galactic Commonwealth

January 1st, 2126
Detroit, MI, Canada

Humanity officially joins the Galactic Commonwealth as a member world with a signing ceremony is held in Detroit, MI, Canada. The site chosen to commemorate all those who died as a result of Earth’s bloodiest and darkest chapter in the hopes the mistakes of the past would never be repeated as they join the rest of the galaxy among the stars.

The GCS Arkhipov is Launched

March 18th, 2129
McMurdo, Victoria Land, Antarctica, Earth

With the technological assistance of the Commonwealth, Earth completed building their first deep-space exploration ship. Named after the Soviet Vice Admiral who had been credited as “the man who saved the world” by preventing WW3 from happening during his lifetime. It was hoped that with the launch of the Arkhipov that humanity would approach space travel with that same level-headedness and not repeat the destructive mistakes of the 21st century. The vessel was crude by Commonweath standards, but it was sturdy and the vessel successfully took off from McMurdo port and made it into space. The ship’s gravity drives allowed for takeoff and landing without need for traditional rockets, making it the first Earth vessel capable of visiting other worlds and returning. The Arkhipov began its first journey out of the solar system on its way to the Commonwealth’s capitol world of Monument.

Launch of the "First Wave" & Start of the Great Expansion

November 20th, 2134

Numerous deep-space colony vessels launch from Earth with the goal of colonizing human-habitable worlds within the Commonwealth. As part of their goals of preventing the extinction of sentient races, the IO assisted with this first wave of colony vessels by providing singularity cores and “colony bomb” technology. These colony bombs allowed for the settler vessels to deploy cloning facilities and automated infrastructure production. Each vessel designed to mix genetic templates to create novel cloned humans to fill out initial roles required to build out a colony while the ship aided in manufacturing and construction, all so settlers can arrive several decades later to already “furnished” worlds. With the human race having suffered the deaths of billions in the 21st century, the controversial measure was ultimately seen as a way to create a better future for generations to follow.

Extra-Galactic Invasion


An unknown species attacks worlds on the outer arms of the galaxy, Commonwealth forces prove no match for the invaders and several taskforces are wiped out. While many of the worlds within the Commonwealth have histories of war with each other, with some resulting in the destruction of entire planets, the Commonwealth’s policies of disarmament resulted in what little defensive forces they had being outmatched by the more organized attackers. The lackluster response by the Commonwealth navy opening the galaxy for the invaders to gain a foothold early on to act as a staging area for their campaign.

Earth Recalls the GCS Arkhipov

McMurdo, Victoria Land, Antarctica, Earth

As the invasion forces approach Terran space, the Arkhipov is recalled for refit. The vessel is rapidly converted into a warship, the crude shell of the vessel well suited for armor, the modifications mostly come down to what many engineers describe as “strapping on cannons to the sides of the ship” as Earth prepares for a desperate defense. The McMurdo shipyards become critical as even freighters are retrofit for use in combat.

The Battle of Ganymede

January 18th, 2138
Ganymede, Sol System

The alien invasion forces reach the Sol System and attack the still-under-construction shipyards around Ganymede. The GCW Arkhipov, now the Terran flagship, along with a taskforce of weaponized freighters, rushed to Jupiter to mount a desperate defense of the system. While the shipyards are destroyed and the Ganymede colony left in ruins, the fleet successfully repels the invaders, taking heavy losses along the way. The battle’s outcome shocks the Commonwealth, as while Earth had incredibly primitive ships compared to theirs, it became clear that humans were uniquely effective at warfare. The GCW Arkhipov was immediately summoned to the Commonwealth’s capitol world, Monument, to help mount a defense as the invaders approached in exchange for several Rhusen ships staying behind to help guard the Sol System.

Defense of Monument

March 27th, 2138
Monument, New Bagaek System

Having worked with Terran naval leaders, it was agreed that the Arkhipov, despite it’s relatively primitive construction, should lead the defense of the planet serving as a command ship. Having rapidly been upgraded with more powerful weapons and communication systems, and the addition of shields, the crew of the Arkhipov would coordinate the defense of the Commonwealth’s capitol. One of the largest battles in the war against the unknown invaders, the Commonwealth forces successfully held the line and prevented the planet from being seized.

Human Recruitment to Commonwealth Military


With the humans having proven themselves as some of the best and most resourceful warriors in the galaxy during the Battle of Monument, the Commonwealth works with Earth to build out their ship building capabilities. Recruitment also increases on Earth and humans are placed in key command positions, both in naval and ground roles, to try and counter the invasion. For the first time in history, Rhusen, Mutuv, Domul, & Bagaek ships all fight alongside each other with many commanded by Humans as Earth builds out their navy.

Human Fleet Deployment

Sol System

With the help of the Commonwealth, the Sol System’s shipyards complete construction on their new, state-of-the-art warships, all built to human requirements. Many of the Commonwealth races end up being awestruck by the industriousness of humanity, equally as effective as laborers as they are warriors, only outpaced by the IO who had elected to stay out of the conflict. The addition of human vessels to the Commonwealth’s navy proves to be a huge morale boost. While some within the Commonwealth question the wisdom of arming such a young race so heavily, the desperation of the galaxy ultimately justifies the decision.

The Battle of the Megeddion Nebula

July 23rd, 2141
Gusaria V, Megeddion Nebula, Orion Arm

Having forced the extra-galactic invaders back to their staging grounds at Gusaria V in the Megeddion Nebula, the GCW Arkhipov led the final push against the unknown species. The alien capitol city ship took severe damage before finally surrendering. While the aliens still refused to show themselves or otherwise interact directly with the Commonwealth, they stated their intentions to hold the Gusaria system, which was otherwise uninhabited. The Commonwealth deployed sentry vessels around the system to project gravity wells, keeping the aliens contained within the system.

The Treaty of Gusaria

August 13th, 2141
Gusaria V, Megeddion Nebula, Orion Arm

While communication remained difficult with the extra-galactic aliens, the Commonwealth agreed to give them control of the Megeddion nebula under the provision they do not venture deeper into Commonwealth space and remain contained to the nebula. While their motives remained unclear, the IO volunteered to enforce the blockade themselves and several fractal-class dreadnoughts were placed into strategic positions around the nebula while numerous scalene-class frigates patrolled the border to ensure none of the aliens escaped the nebula. While the IO still refused to explain any of their actions, the galaxy rested easier knowing they were going to be responsible for enforcing the treaty.

Humanity's New Role

February 28th, 2147
Othea, Scutum-Centaurus Arm

Human settlers arrive to the planet Othea, a beautiful Earth-like world well-suited for agriculture. The colonization of the world marked the first of many to come for the so-called Second Wave of human settlers, this time with the Commonwealth economically backing the ventures and not just providing guidance. The paradise world became the first of many to come for humanity as they would begin to take a greater role within the Commonwealth both as workers and its chosen defenders. It soon became apparent that the relatively minor species would come to be one of the Commonwealth’s most influential members. While Terrans, humans from Earth specifically, would eventually take a back seat for the human race, their descendants on other worlds would soon number in the trillions by the end of the next century.

The Scutum-Centaurus Free Worlds Pact Forms

October 10th, 2205
Hraunfold, Scutum-Centaurus Arm

Due to exploitation of the outer colony worlds in the Scutum-Centaurus region of the galaxy, a number of worlds band together to form a trade union to ensure the protection of civilian rights against guaranteed by the Commonwealth charter. However, lobbying from the Kintek Corporation, a major gravmat fuel producer, would result in the Centaurus Pact’s pleas going unanswered and economic sanctions would be placed on the region to try and force cooperation from the local populations so that Kintek wouldn’t lose its ability to leverage civilian debts for mandatory labor.

The Centaurus Pact Secedes

April 15th, 2324
Hraunfold, Scutum-Centaurus Arm

After over a century of unanswered demands, the Centaurus Pact officially declares independence from the Galactic Commonwealth. In a direct violation of their charter, the Commonwealth declares the the movement illegal and labels the Centaurus Pact as terrorists. Civil war immediately breaks out and the galaxy is split in two. The Commonwealth sends ships into Centaurus Pact space but is met with strong resistance as many of the local defense forces in the region were loyal to the Pact.

Galactic Civil War

2324 – Present

In the weeks to follow the Centaurus Pact’s secession, the conflict would escalate drastically as the Commonwealth tried to retake Pack worlds and would be repeatedly repelled by the defenders. In response to Commonwealth pressure to join the war to put an end to it quickly, the IO declared their neutrality in the conflict. The Mutuv, a collective species, similarly attempted to remain neutral as they had colonies on both sides but ended up being dragged into the war as their worlds were attacked. The Bagaek also refused to join in what they perceived as a human internal conflict, only offering medical aid. The Domul, as a rule, didn’t concern themselves with the plight of corporeal beings and attempted to continue on as if there was no war. The Rhusens, however, mainly sided with the Commonwealth having little influence within Centaurus Pact space. For the first time since its inception, the Commonwealth found itself deeply divided about the Centaurus Pact issue and questions started to arise about the Commonwealth’s ability to govern its member worlds.

The Stratyhs Incident

December, 2392
Stratyhs, Perseus Arm

Decades into the galactic civil war, the Galactic Commonwealth has become desperate for any advantage to win the war. To that end, the Special Information Forces (SIF), a black ops division of Commonwealth Naval Intelligence that didn’t officially exist, was tasked with doing anything and everything required to preserve the Commonwealth. The SIF had recently come into possession of new drive technology that would allow the creation of artificial wormholes to anywhere in the galaxy. The technology could win the war overnight if the Commonwealth could get it to work, but before they were able to their black site along Orion-Perseus hyperspace corridor was destroyed with all hands and the prototype stolen and taken to the planet Stratyhs. With their future on the line, the SIF dispatches one of their deadliest clandestine operatives to retrieve the device before it could fall into Centaurus Pact hands.

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